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Unite. Empower.

Our Mission

Our mission is to unite and empower the Indian American community in North Carolina by advocating for equality, freedom, progress, and dignity. We support people and initiatives that align with our core democratic values while fostering alliances and amplifying our collective voice.

Our Charter

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Objectives of Our Organization

  1. Advocate for the interests and rights of the Indian American community in North Carolina through proactive engagement with policymakers and stakeholders.
  2. Foster democratic values, inclusivity, and diversity within our organization and the broader community, embracing the richness of cultural heritage and experiences.
  3. Promote civic engagement and voter participation among Indian Americans, ensuring their voices are heard in the democratic process.
  4. Support and empower grassroots initiatives and community-driven projects that address the needs and concerns of Indian Americans in North Carolina.
  5. Collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals to build coalitions and amplify our impact on advancing social justice, equality, and progress.
  6. Provide resources, education, and support to empower Indian American individuals and communities to thrive and succeed in all aspects of life.

Values of Our Organization

  • Democracy: We believe in the fundamental principles of democracy and advocate for the active participation of all citizens in shaping their communities and society.
  • Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and strive to create a welcoming environment where all voices are valued and respected.
  • Freedom: We defend the rights and freedoms of all individuals, promoting a society where everyone can live without fear of discrimination or oppression.
  • Justice: We stand for fairness, equality, and the protection of human rights, working to address systemic injustices and ensure equal opportunities for all.
  • Equality: We advocate for a society in which every individual has the opportunity to thrive regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status.
  • Progress: We are committed to advancing positive change and continuous improvement, seeking innovative solutions to address emerging challenges and opportunities.
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Guiding Principles of Our Organization

  • Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership, working together with stakeholders to achieve shared goals and objectives.
  • Empowerment: We empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their destinies and advocate for their interests and rights.
  • Advocacy: We serve as advocates and champions for the Indian American community, amplifying their voices and advocating for meaningful change.
  • Resilience: We remain resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks, persevering in our efforts to create a better future for all.
  • Adaptability: We adapt to changing circumstances and evolving needs, remaining flexible and responsive in our approach to achieving our mission and objectives.

In pursuit of our mission, we pledge to uphold these principles and values, working tirelessly to empower and advocate for the Indian American community in North Carolina and beyond. We dedicate ourselves to empowering grassroots activities in North Carolina, tirelessly striving to elect leaders who share our values. Together, we will build a brighter future where democracy, freedom, and dignity prevail for all.

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Our Pillars

We, the members of Desi Democrats, establish the following as a testament to our commitment to promoting and protecting the fundamental pillars of democracy and justice. With a steadfast dedication to advancing the rights and welfare of all individuals, we advocate for the following pillars: Women's Rights, Legal Immigration, Racial Justice, and Gun Control.

Women's Rights

  • We affirm the inherent dignity and equality of all individuals, regardless of gender, and recognize the importance of empowering women in all aspects of society.
  • We support policies and initiatives that promote gender equality, including equal pay for equal work, reproductive rights, and protection against gender-based violence and discrimination.
  • We advocate for the inclusion of women's voices and perspectives in decision-making processes at all levels of government and society.

Legal Immigration

  • We uphold the value of legal immigration as a cornerstone of our nation's history and prosperity, recognizing the contributions and diversity that immigrants bring to our communities.
  • We advocate for fair and compassionate immigration policies that provide a pathway to citizenship for all individuals.
  • We oppose discriminatory practices and policies that target immigrants based on race, religion, or national origin, and work towards comprehensive immigration reform that is humane and just.

Racial Injustice

  • We acknowledge the existence of systemic racism and inequality in our society and commit to dismantling structures that perpetuate racial injustice.
  • We support efforts to address racial disparities in areas such as education, criminal justice, healthcare, and economic opportunity, and advocate for policies that promote equity and inclusion for marginalized communities.
  • We stand in solidarity with movements and organizations working to combat racism, promote racial reconciliation, and ensure that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Firearm Regulations

  • We recognize the urgent need to address gun violence as a public health and safety issue and advocate for common-sense gun control measures that protect lives while respecting Second Amendment rights.
  • We support policies such as universal background checks, closing loopholes in gun sales, implementing red flag laws, and restricting access to military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • We work towards promoting responsible gun ownership, preventing gun trafficking, and investing in evidence-based solutions to reduce gun violence in our communities.

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